I love yogurt. Every morning at work I have a yogurt with a crunchy granola bar mixed into it. I have it five days a week and it's a treat. When the folks at MyBlogSpark offered me the chance to review Fiber One yogurt I jumped on the chance.
I used my coupon and bought the Peach flavor. I was a little leery because of the added fiber but the yogurt was creamy and had no after taste. They offer several other flavors such as strawberry, key lime and vanilla. The best part is they are only 50 calories! The only thing I would change would be to make the serving size a little bit larger.

Thanks to the folks at MyBlogSpark three Simply Me readers will win a "Healthy and Fit Weight Management" gift bag that includes a Fiber One yogurt VIP coupon (good for a free 4-pack of Fiber One yogurt), cooler pack, and other storage items for you to carry your snacks and yogurt- it's great for work and other on-the-go activities!
Required for Entry: (this must be followed or bonus entries will be voided)
To enter just answer this question : What do you do to manage your weight?
Bonus Entries:
1. Follow Simply Me on facebook. Look for the box on the right hand side that says Networked Blogs
2. Subscribe to my blog by email
3. Follow me on Twitter and tweet this contest
4. Follow my blog - 2 entries ( leave 2 separate comments)
6. Place my button on your sidebar for three extra entries (leave the url to your blog please)
7. Blog about my contest on your blog (Please leave your URL in comments 2 extra entries)
This contest will end on 11/28/09 at 11:59 pm PST. U.S residents only. The winner will be drawn via random.org and contacted the next day. If you don't have a blog please leave your email address with your entry. The winner will have 72 hours to respond before I draw another winner.
Good luck,
I received no compensation except for the "Healthy and Fit Weight Management" gift bag to review.
I have changed my eating habits to lose weight! More vegies and fruit!
I ride my bike 1mile a day 5x a week birdson@roadrunner.com
email subscriber of yours birdson@roadrunner.com
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pay attention to what I'm eating
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I have been trying to watch my portion sizes. I find that if I keep that under control I do better. katklaw777 at yahoo dot com Great giveaway, thanks.
i subscribe via email.
I manage my weight by watching portion sizes but not depriving myself!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog #1
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog #2
Thank you for the giveaway :)
My kids make me forget to eat lunch sometimes. Does that count?
I have cut way back on portion sizes and cut back on carbs.
To manage my weight I try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and I walk every day. Thanks!
We're eating smaller portion sizes.
Used your Google Account Identity method to enter and post this comment.
Thank You.
Lauralee Hensley
I'm subscribed via email. Good luck to all.
I follow you -1.
I follow you -2.
I find that when I'm active, I want to eat less. I make sure to stay active as much as I can and when I do eat, I make healthy choices.
we eat several small meals instead of big ones and eat healthy foods
I exercise.
I try hard to practice portion control. Thanks for the chance!
I work out six days a week
Work out at least 4 times a week and drink lots of water.
eating more fruits and veggies and drinking plenty of water
copperllama at yahoo dot com
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
3 have button
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I walk my dog on a daily basis!! and drink lots of water!!!
follow #1
follow #2
Lots of fiber rich foods.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I am trying to exercise more.
Button on my blog,
2.Button on my blog,
3.Button on my blog,
I eat more veggies, less sweets and eat less period.
I am enjoying the Wii Fit.
I try to be active every day. Thank you
I am an email subscriber. Thank you
I am following on blogger. Thank you
By avoiding Surgery drinks
I try to take the stairs as often as possible.
I try to reduce my portions-
diane Baum
Im doing weight watchers. amgconz at gmail dot com
i eat a lot of fruit and veg
I work out and i do not eat sugar.bill110@optonline.net
Watch the trans fats and carbs.
Following your blog 2 skyskyaa11[at]gmail.com
I work out at least five times a week. Three of those days i do strength training. msmith572@yahoo.com
Email subscriber. msmith572@yahoo.com
I follow on Facebook(lisa smith) msmith572@yahoo.com
Button on sidebar: http://stephie-stephsblog.blogspot.com/
msmith572@yahoo.com entry 2
Button on sidebar: http://stephie-stephsblog.blogspot.com/
msmith572@yahoo.com entry 3
I follow your blog. entry 1
I follow your blog. entry 2
Im trying to put on weight, not lose it. But my sister, and my mother are both trying to lose a few pounds.
Eat healthy and count calories. I also walk about 2 miles 4 to 5 times a week.
I try to eat more fresh fruits & vegetables & I try to walk on my treadmill 4-5 times a week.
I watch what I eat and try to exercise.
I follow your blog 1
I follow your blog 2
I try to watch what I eat and use the low fat, low calorie or light varieties of my favorite products.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog with google friend.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
Entry #1
I follow your blog with google friend.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
Entry #2
I follow you on twitter and I tweeted.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
I make all my meals and keep active :)
I eat healthy and exercise. garrettsambo@aol.com
I eat food with lots of protein and fiber and walk everywhere I can.
I manage my weight by eating small portions.
I Follow Simply Me on Facebook.
I subscribed by email.
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